Still from Uptight


classified 18

Look Who’s Back: The Hollywood Renaissance and the Blacklist


Please note: This was screened in July 2023

Jules Dassin
Raymond St. Jacques, Ruby Dee, Frank Silvera, Roscoe Lee Browne, Julian Mayfield.
104 mins, 1968, USA

Following the assassination of Dr Martin Luther King, Cleveland’s black community is on a knife-edge, wondering who, if anyone, can be trusted.

Set in the period directly following the assassination of Dr Martin Luther King, Jules Dassin collaborated with the black actors and activists Ruby Dee and Julian Mayfield on a script that situates the action in the city’s black power movement. The urgency of the film’s politics saw Paramount attempt to stifle its production and blunt its message, while the FBI coerced crew members to act as informers.

Having made his name in Hollywood with the taut dramas Brute Force and The Naked City, director Jules Dassin was blacklisted for his activism and communist sympathies in the early 1950s. Following a number of years based in Europe where he made the classic heist film Rififi, he returned to the USA and the Paramount studio for this Cleveland set reworking of Liam O'Flaherty’s The Informer, a novel memorably adapted for the screen by John Ford in 1935.

With thanks to Park Circus and Paramount.

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