Courtesy of Janus Films


classified 15

Reframing Film


Please note: This was screened in July 2023

Barbara Loden
Barbara Loden, Dorothy Shupenes, Peter Shupenes
103 mins, 1970, USA

In Pennsylvania's coal-mining valleys, a woman (played by director-writer Loden herself) wanders between downbeat bars and dirt-ridden motels after losing custody of her kids to her ex-husband. Homeless and penniless after losing her job and being robbed, Wanda is drawn to Norman (Michael Higgins), who turns out to be a career criminal. Hitching a ride with him, he eventually starts abusing her, until a robbery goes wrong.

Difficult to see for decades, the film’s restoration has seen its reputation explode in recent years. Her life cut short by cancer in 1980, Barbara Loden’s sole feature film as director (she first rose through the ranks as an actor, though was often relegated to small supporting roles) remains a startling and unsentimental look at the peripheries of American life, in this case that of a down-trodden, working-class woman. A gut-punch of a film, restored in all its brilliance.

Wanda was restored by the UCLA Film & Television Archive. Restoration funding was provided by Gucci and The Film Foundation. This is the UK Premiere of a new 35mm print as part of 100 prints project courtesy of BFI National Film Archive.

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