Yield to the Night

Yield to the Night

classified 15

Bristol UNESCO City Of Film


Please note: This was screened in July 2023

J. Lee Thompson
Diana Dors, Yvonne Mitchell, Hilda MacFarlane, Michael Craig
99 mins, 1956, UK

Bristol born film director J. Lee Thompson (1914 – 2002) was best known for Ice Cold in Alex, Tiger Bay, The Guns of Navarone, Cape Fear and the later sequels to the original Planet of the Apes. But, before he was scooped up by Hollywood, he established the ‘kitchen sink’ template with films that commented on the social issues in 1950s Britain and which also brought to prominence Swindon born actress Diana Dors.

The film unsparingly depicts the last weeks in the condemned cell of a women's prison as Mary Hilton (Dors) reflects on the events in her life leading up to the murder, revealing a depth and range from Dors which belied her pin-up image.

Presented in a 4K restoration by StudioCanal which went back to the original camera negative which was scanned and restored in 4K to produce a brand-new HD master.

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