

classified 15

Please note: This was screened in Aug 2023

Sidney Lumet
Al Pacino, John Randolph, Jack Kehoe, Biff McGuire
130 mins, 1973, Italy/US
Primary language

Director Sidney Lumet and star Al Pacino create a believable, claustrophobic world where corruption seems to be everywhere and nobody can be trusted.

Based on Peter Maas’ book, Serpico explores the real life experiences of a new recruit to the NYPD, Frank Serpico, who realises that the whole institution is built upon various levels of corruption and quickly finds out how far those involved will go to protect themselves.

This is a new 4K restoration with thanks to Park Circus and Paramount.

Presented as part of Cinema Rediscovered on Tour, a Watershed project. With support from BFI awarding funds from The National Lottery and MUBI.

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