
Scrapper Q&A at Watershed


classified 12A

Please note: This was screened in Sept 2023

Charlotte Regan
Lola Campbell, Alin Uzun, Cary Crankson
84 mins, 2023, UK
Primary language

It’s said that it takes a village to raise a child but Georgie (Lola Campbell) has other ideas.

Living alone since her beloved mum died, the 12-year-old fills the flat they shared with her own special magic. But when her absent father Jason (Harris Dickinson from Triangle Of Sadness) turns up out of the blue, she’s forced to confront reality.

Touted as 'the optimistic Aftersun', Charlotte Regan's film believes life’s not so much about chasing rainbows but snatching fistfuls of it with both hands.

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