Reframing Film Sessions

Reframing Film Sessions

Reframing Film


Please note: This event took place in July 2023

Join some of the most inspiring voices in rep and archive film exhibition and distribution to explore alternative ways of connecting older films with a new wave of cinema goers and to get inspired to broaden repertory cinema beyond the comfort of the mainstream.

The sessions kick off at 11am with From Online to In-venue: a New Wave of Cinema Goers? with guests including Deeper Into Movies and Ella Kemp (Letterboxd, London Editor), hosted by Watershed’s Steph Read.

Some of the UK’s leading programmers of classic and cult genre titles will come together for a discussion about what they’ve found attracts punters through their doors in our From Akira to Zaat: the Rise of Genre Cinema panel. After a Networking lunch sponsored by StudioCanal, we will hear from a range of distribution and touring initiatives such as Other Parties, T A P E Collective and exhibitors about how we might go about broadening repertory cinema beyond the comfort of the mainstream.

You can then join in our Restored & Rediscovered slate presentation to get a better sense of what is coming up and hear about release plans from UK distributors such as Park Circus, StudioCanal, BFI distribution, Other Parties and MUBI followed by a meet-up.

Reframing Film Sessions attendees get a Cinema Rediscovered Festival Pass discounted rate (£70) and are invited to the festival’s Opening event Other Ways of Seeing (1700) and Drinks (1800).

This is a Film Hub South West led initiative co-presented with BFI Film Audience Network (FAN) partners funded through National Lottery. This event is free and open to FAN Member organisations and archive practitioners.

To find out how to join BFI FAN, contact your regional hub.

We are grateful to Park Circus, the Principal Sponsor for the Reframing Film Sessions alongside StudioCanal who are providing the networking lunch.

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