Native Son

Native Son

classified PG S

Please note: This was screened in Oct 2023

Pierre Chenal
Richard Wright, Gloria Madison, Willa Pearl Curtis
104 mins, & Subtitled, 1951, Argentina
Primary language

Based on one of the most controversial novels of its day, Richard Wright's Native Son (first published in 1940) exposed the injustices of urban African-American life at the time.

These injustices are witnessed through the eyes of Bigger Thomas (played by the author himself), whose violent tendencies and moral confusion were the natural result of a lifetime of deprivation.

Directed by French born film director Pierre Chenal, Native Son’s subject matter was so controversial that the producers weren’t allowed to film it in the United States and had to produce and shoot the film on location in Argentina.

With thanks to Kino Lorber, The Library of Congress, Fernando Martin Peña and Argentina Sono Film. Presented in collaboration with BFI Film Audience Network, Bristol Ideas and Film Noir UK.

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