The Undertaker

classified 15 Sold Out

Please note: This was screened in Oct 2023

Michael Wright
Paul McGann, Tara Fitzgerald, Murray Melvin
90 mins, 2023, UK
Primary language

A richly textured gothic gangster thriller set in the crumbling maze of a northern town in the 1960s, where a funeral casket may be the only way out.

Arthur Morel's (Paul McGann) life has been dedicated to ushering the deceased from the world of the living to the world of the dead. When local gangster Finlay Unsworth makes him an offer he can’t refuse, Morel looks the other way and pockets Unsworth's money.

Realising he knows too much and will be the next one on Unsworth's unending list of victims, Morel's only option is to turn 'amateur vigilante' in order to end the brutal reign of terror.

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