Coffy © 1973 Orion Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


classified 18

Black Again! Fifty Years of Blaxploitation


Please note: This was screened in Oct 2023

Jack Hill
Pam Grier, Booker Bradshaw, Robert DoQui, William Elliott, Allan Arbus
88 mins, 1974, USA
Primary language

Amid corrupt mobsters and an army of murderous henchmen, Coffy (Pam Grier) and her powerful sawed-off shotgun are out on the streets to clean up the city in Jack Hill's gritty film.

Coffy, a nurse by day, discovers that her innocent little sister has fallen prey to a ruthless heroin pusher and the city's vicious drug ring.

Blind with rage, Coffy summons up the courage to take the law into her own hands, to get at those responsible for her young sister's addiction.

Black Again! Fifty Years of Blaxploitation has been co-curated with Josiah Howard, expert in the Blaxploitation genre, and Women of the Lens Film Festival. The programme is supported by Music House in Leeds.

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