Black Caeser

Black Caesar

classified 18

Black Again! Fifty Years of Blaxploitation


Please note: This was screened in Oct 2023

Larry Cohen
Fred Williamson, Gloria Hendry, Art Lund
87 mins, 1973, USA
Primary language

Suffused with socio-political resentment and enlivened by James Brown's classic soul-funk soundtrack, Black Caeser is perhaps one of the most underrated movies of the early 1970s Blaxploitation boom.

Growing up on the tough streets of Harlem, Tommy Gibbs (Fred Williamson) has his life made even harder by John McKinney (Art Lund), a crooked cop who breaks his leg and cripples him for life.

When Tommy grows up to become the crime kingpin of Harlem, he has the power to take bloody revenge on his nemesis McKinney - no matter the cost.

Black Again! Fifty Years of Blaxploitation has been co-curated with Josiah Howard, expert in the Blaxploitation genre, and Women of the Lens Film Festival. The programme is supported by Music House in Leeds.

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