Cleopatra Jones
Cleopatra Jones © 1973 WBEI

Cleopatra Jones

classified 15

Black Again! Fifty Years of Blaxploitation


Please note: This was screened in Oct 2023

Jack Starrett
Tamara Dobson, Bernie Casey, Shelley Winters, Brenda Sykes
89 mins, 1973, USA
Primary language

Federal agent Cleopatra Jones (Tamara Dobson) attempts to rescue her framed boyfriend from a drug-queen in Jack Starret's revelatory film.

Special agent Jones is waging a war on drug-trafficking in the U.S. and abroad. The notorious drug-lord Mommy vows to destroy Jones after she burns down the Turkish poppy fields that fuel the heroin production. Mommy, her goons, and her stable of crooked cops won't rest until they take Jones down!

Black Again! Fifty Years of Blaxploitation has been co-curated with Josiah Howard, expert in the Blaxploitation genre, and Women of the Lens Film Festival. The programme is supported by Music House in Leeds.

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