The Hit

The Hit

classified 18

Please note: This was screened in Nov 2023

Stephen Frears
Terence Stamp, John Hurt, Tim Roth and Laura del Sol
98 mins, 1984, UK
Primary language

Terence Stamp plays Willie, a gangster’s henchman turned ‘supergrass’ (informer) trying to hide out peacefully in a remote Spanish village. Sun-dappled bliss turns to nerve-racking suspense, however, when two hit men, one soulless (John Hurt) and one a loose cannon (a youthful Tim Roth), come calling to bring Willie back for execution.

This stylish early gem from Stephen Frears boasts terrific hard-boiled performances from a roster of England’s best actors, music by Eric Clapton and virtuoso flamenco guitarist Paco de Lucía, and ravishing photography of its desolate Spanish locations, which makes a splendid backdrop for a rather sordid story.

Join us for this rare chance to see an underrated classic (a favourite of Christopher Nolan) on the big screen, with a special introduction and Q&A with Frears himself.

Presented in partnership with Film Noir UK.

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