Into the Inferno

classified 12A Sold Out

Please note: This was screened in Jan 2024

Werner Herzog
Werner Herzog, Katia Krafft, Maurice Krafft
104 mins, 2016, UK
Primary language

As part of the 60th Anniversary meeting of the Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group taking place here in Bristol this January, we’re screening this absorbing documentary from Werner Herzog, exploring active volcanos around the world.

With stunning views of eruptions and lava flows, Herzog captures the raw power of volcanoes and their ties to indigenous spiritual practices.

The 2016 documentary heads just where its title suggests: into the red-hot magma-filled craters of some of the world's most active and astonishing volcanoes—taking the viewer on one of the most extreme tours of his long career.

In the film Herzog is joined by esteemed volcanologist Clive Oppenheimer to offer not only an in-depth exploration of volcanoes across the globe but also an examination of the belief systems that human beings have created around the fiery phenomena.

Screening in partnership with the Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group and the University of Bristol.

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