Trenque Lauquen: Part II

classified 12A S

part of Trenque Lauquen


Please note: This was screened in Dec 2023

Laura Citarella
Laura Paredes, Ezequiel Pierri, Rafael Spregelburd
133 mins, & Subtitled, 2023, Argentina
Primary language

The second part of a beguiling genre-fluid mystery from Argentinian auteur Laura Citarella.

The two men who felt they knew Laura best seek out clues to her whereabouts, realising how little of her they ever really knew. What begins as a mystery soon deepens into an odyssey of literary romance, queer kinship, meditations on landscape, and creature-feature sci-fi, via many shaggy-dog diversions.

Director Laura Citarella, of the El Pampero Cine collective (La Flor), journeys through more plots and genres than many filmmakers will travel to in their whole careers. Across twelve chapters, over two feature-length parts she keeps it compelling, and creates a deeply absorbing cinema of enigmas.

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