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Tokyo Story

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Return to Ozu


Please note: This was screened in Jan 2024

Yasujiro Ozu
Chishû Ryû, Chieko Higashiyama, Sô Yamamura
136 mins, Subtitled, 1953, Japan
Primary language

A profoundly stirring evocation of elemental humanity and universal heartbreak,Tokyo Storyis the crowning achievement of the unparalleled Yasujiro Ozu.

From the simple tale of an elderly husband and wife's visit to Tokyo to see their grown-up children, Ozu draws a compelling contrast between the measured dignity of age and the hurried insensitivity of a younger generation.

The later films of Japanese master Yasujiro Ozu are marked by a striking uniformity of theme and form. These are stories of family life involving inevitable rupture, as things change, daughters marry, widowers grow old. Ozu films this bittersweet natural progression in his unmistakably controlled, minimal style, typified by head-on shots with the camera at the height of a seated observer.

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