The Old Oak

classified 15 Sold Out

Please note: This was screened in Jan 2024

Ken Loach
Trevor Fox, Debbie Honeywood, Dave Turner
113 mins, 2023, UK
Primary language

To raise funds for the Bristol City of Sanctuary Transport Fund, we're putting on a one-off screening of The Old Oak.

TJ Ballantyne is hanging on to his pub, The Old Oak, by his fingertips in a cash-strapped village in the North East. His predicament is further endangered when the pub becomes contested territory after the arrival of Syrian refugees who are placed in the village without any notice.

In an unlikely friendship TJ meets a curious young Syrian Yara (Ebla Mari) with her camera. Can they find a way for the two communities to understand each other?

All ticket proceeds are going to the Bristol City of Sanctuary Transport Fund, which offers free bus tickets to asylum seekers, supported by match funding from First Bus.

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