Ryuichi Sakamoto: Opus

classified U S

Please note: This was screened in April 2024

Neo Sora
Ryuichi Sakamoto
103 mins, & Subtitled, 2024, Japan
Primary language

Ryuichi Sakamoto: Opus is the definitive swan song of the beloved maestro.

On 28 March 2023, legendary composer Ryuichi Sakamoto passed away after his struggle against cancer. In the years leading up to his death, Sakamoto could no longer perform live. Single concerts, not to mention sprawling global tours, were too taxing.

Despite this, in late 2022, Sakamoto mustered all his energy to leave the world with one final performance: a concert film featuring just him and his piano.

Curated by Sakamoto himself and presented in his chosen order, the twenty pieces performed in the film wordlessly narrate his life through his music.

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