Women in Conflict: Reflection and Solidarity

Women in Conflict: Reflection and Solidarity


Please note: This event took place in March 2024

Begin International Women’s Day with us in a moment of reflection. A gathering together in solidarity for women living in and with conflict across the world.

Led by artist and spiritual practitioner Beloved Sara Zaltash, this will be a non religious gathering, a moment to be shared with others in support of women in Palestine, The Congo, Ukraine and beyond.

This is a free event from 09:30 - 10:00 in our Waterside 3 Event space - everyone is welcome.

Beloved Sara Zaltash is a British-Iranian artist, astrologer and musician, Fellow of the Schumacher Institute, Associate Fellow of St Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace, and Resident of Pervasive Media Studio and Studio Holder at the Jam Jar.

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