Whistle and I’ll Come to You (1968) + A Warning to the Curious (1972)

Whistle and I’ll Come to You (1968) + A Warning to the Curious (1972)

classified PG

Curses, Cults & Covens: The Birth of British Folk Horror


Sun 12 May 14:00

92 mins, 1968, UK
Primary language

Join us for this special double bill of M.R. James adaptions, originally produced by the BBC.

Whistle and I’ll Come to You

An eccentric and sceptical professor who stumbles upon a strange whistle while exploring a Knights Templar cemetery on the East Anglian coast. On blowing the ancient whistle, he awakens horrors beyond human understanding.

A Warning to the Curious

An amateur archaeologist travels to a remote Norfolk town, inadvertently stumbling across one of the lost crowns of Anglia, which, according to legend, protect the country from invasion. On uncovering the crown, he finds himself stalked by a mysterious stranger.

Part of our Curses, Cults & Covens: The Birth of British Folk Horror, screening throughout May.

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