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Rome, Open City

classified 12A S

Fri 31 May - Sun 2 June

Roberto Rossellini
Anna Magnani, Aldo Fabrizi, Marcello Pagliero
103 mins, Subtitled, 1945, Italy
Primary language

A landmark of Italian neorealism approaching its 80th anniversary, Roberto Rossellini's portrait of life under Nazi occupation remains remarkable for its immediacy, tension and power.

Made in extraordinarily straitened circumstances, immediately after the liberation of Rome, the film follows Manfredi (Marcello Pagliero), a partisan leader, as he attempts to evade the Gestapo by enlisting the help of Pina (Anna Magnani) and Don Pietro (Aldo Fabrizi), the priest due to oversee Pina's marriage.

Shot both on the ravaged streets of the city and in the studio, Rome, Open City has inspired and influenced countless filmmakers.

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