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classified 18

Fri 24 - Sun 26 May

Danny Boyle
Ewan McGregor, Ewen Bremner, Jonny Lee Miller
93 mins, 1996, UK
Primary language
"Still a cinematic drug of choice." The Guardian

A 4K restoration of Danny Boyle's multi-award winning, audaciously innovative and darkly comic classic on addiction, scams and survival.

Based on Irvine Welsh’s cult 1993 novel, Trainspotting charts the progress of young Edinburgh heroin addict (Ewan McGregor) and his so-called friends - a bunch of losers, liars, psychos, thieves and junkies. He kicks the habit, moves down to London and takes a semi-respectable job. But when one of his old friends turns up promising a financially lucrative drug deal, will good intentions be forgotten?

Supercharged with sulphurous humour and brutal recklessness, Trainspotting takes a pragmatic approach to drug use, capturing the exhausting, intensely uncomfortable daily routine of a group of heroin addicts.

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