
classified PG

Please note: This was screened in Aug 2024

David Allen
Matthew Collyer, Rhiannon Neads, Isabella Tree
75 mins, 2023, UK
Primary language
“A lyrical hymn to the self-healing of the English countryside.” Dog and Wolf

Based on Isabella Tree’s best-selling book by the same title, director David Allen tells the story of a young couple that bets on nature for the future of their failing, four-hundred-year-old estate.

A young couple battles entrenched tradition and dares to place the fate of their farm in the hands of nature. Ripping down the fences, they set the land back to the wild and entrust its recovery to a motley mix of animals - both tame and wild.

Allen's documentary is the beginning of a grand experiment that will become one of the most significant re-wilding experiments in Europe.

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