Pitch Lab
Courtesy of Cables & Cameras

Pitch Lab

Cables & Cameras presents: INSPIRED


Sat 15 June 13:00

Waterside 3 Event Space, Watershed

Brand new for 2024 – Are you an emerging filmmaker with a project to pitch?

Pitch Lab will offer five emerging filmmakers the chance to pitch their projects to industry experts and receive insightful, constructive feedback in a supportive, peer-to-peer environment.

Don't miss this chance to present your ideas to industry experts!

To pitch your idea:

Fill in the Filmmaker Submission form before Tue 4 June. All pitch applicants will be contacted directly by Wed 5 June with the outcome of the selection. If you're selected, there's no need to book a ticket.

Eligibility: The pitch opportunity is open to filmmakers who identify as People of Colour (POC). All levels of experience, from emerging, are welcome to submit.

To attend as an audience member:

Please book your ticket below.

Part of INSPIRED, courtesy of Cables & Cameras.

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