Red Herring

classified 15

Please note: This was screened in June 2024

Kit Vincent
94 mins, 2024, UK
Primary language
"The work of a really talented film-maker." Guardian

Faced with an incurable brain tumour diagnosis at 24, filmmaker Kit Vincent enlists his family to go on an intimate and darkly humorous journey to help them all come to terms with his illness.

On the south coast of England, Kit's dad Lawrence throws himself into a series of obscure diversion tactics. From growing cannabis in his spare room, to relinquishing his lifelong atheism and attending a local synagogue. Meanwhile Kit's mum, a community nurse who spends her time caring for dying patients, can’t cope with the idea of living through the death of her son and must find a way to reconnect with Kit before time runs out.

Red Herring is a painful, funny and complex journey towards acceptance after terminal diagnosis.

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