650 years of Bristol in 65mins

Footage Rediscovered - Bristol Archives & the home movie movement

classified 12A

part of Bristol UNESCO City of Film Connections


Please note: This was screened in July 2024

David Parker
65 mins, UK

Bristol has a rich vein of home movie and amateur film; some of it held in the Bristol Archives. This event explores how amateur film has been used to celebrate the city over the last 100 years, starting with a showing of David Parker’s archive documentary Bristol 650 in 65 minutes (2023).

In just over 65 minutes, Parker, who has had a long interest in home movies shot by Bristol amateurs, takes a very personal look at some well-known, and not-so-well-known, episodes in the history of the city including: Bristol at war, Civil War and World War, riots and rebellions, the story of Bristol Castle, its churches, its docks and its Concorde.

Originally made for the 650th anniversary of the Bristol Charter, the film includes famous names: Harry Brown and Tony Benn, Hannah More and Rolinda Sharples as well as not so famous ones - but just as notable nonetheless!

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