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Sing Sing

classified 15

Until Thu 19 Sept

Greg Kwedar
Colman Domingo, Sean Dino Johnson, Clarence Maclin
105 mins, 2023, USA
Primary language

Sing Sing is a stirring true story of resilience and humanity, starring an unforgettable ensemble cast of formerly incarcerated actors.

Divine G (Colman Domingo), imprisoned at Sing Sing for a crime he didn’t commit, finds purpose by acting in a theatre group alongside other incarcerated men, and a wary newcomer played by Clarence Maclin.

The film is based on a real-life programme Rehabilitation Through the Arts and is a real demonstration of the transformative power of art.

  • Screenings of Sing Sing on Tue 17 Sep are part of our Cinébites deal: get 30% off any main dish in the Café & Bar with a valid cinema ticket.

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