Found in: Other Minds
Lunchtime Talk: The Singing Kitchen

Lunchtime Talk: The Singing Kitchen

Other Minds


Please note: This event ended on 13 September 2024

In this talk, artist Dave Evans will present research that builds on work made during Pervasive Media Studio's Winter Residency in February and March 2024.

Dave is an artist based in Liverpool. His work explores the complex entanglements that he finds himself in, and attempts to make these entanglements momentarily tangible, working across different media, often bridging the gap between the physical and digital.

Recently, his focus has been on exploring the home, in particular the audibility of domestic labour and its associated devices, through converting data into non-speech audio (sonification) and experimental broadcast.

Dave will present new works that extends this research into voice more towards song, to consider what a non-human polyvocal assemblage might look and sound like. These recent works use generative methods and live audio processing to ‘songify’ signals from mundane objects that are often silent and overlooked. He will also talk about what the function of this process of metamorphosis accomplishes, and present other examples of non-human vocalisation.

About the Pervasive Media Studio

The Pervasive Media Studio is a partnership between the Watershed, University of the West of England and University of Bristol. The lunchtime talks are partly supported by MyWorld, a project led by the University of Bristol to support creative industries in the region. Watershed is supported by Arts Council England.

*Please note this is a hybrid event and will be live streamed so please be aware you will be in the live broadcast and recording when watching in the Studio.

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