Please note: This event took place in Oct 2014
Being Poor in a Wealthy World
Linda Tirado's essay on the everyday realities of poverty was read and shared around the world. In Hand to Mouth, she gives a searing, witty, compassionate and clear-eyed insider account of being poor in the western world. In Hard Times journalist Tom Clark examines the recession's toll on individuals, families, and community bonds in the United States and the United Kingdom. Together they discuss the poverty trap, how politicians on both sides of the Atlantic show more interest in exploiting the divisions and the long term consequences of our unequal societies.
Part of the Festival of Ideas' new annual Politics Festival. Each year over a three-day period there will be interviews, discussions and debates which look at the key political issues of the time, debate government and its impact on Bristol, and look at the work of Bristol's MPs. The inaugural festival addresses issues of interest to the forthcoming 2015 general election. For other events please check ideasfestival.co.uk
Speaker biographies:
Linda Tirado is married with two children and lives in Utah, USA. Until recently, she was working two jobs, as a cook in a chain restaurant and a voting rights activist for a disability non-profit organisation. She also blogs and writes on poverty and class issues. Since her online essay 'Why I Make Terrible Decisions' went viral around the world in autumn 2013, she has received speaking and commentary requests from numerous media outlets and institutions. Hand to Mouth is her first book.
Tom Clark writes daily editorials on politics, economics and social affairs for The Guardian.
Ticket prices: £6.00 full / £5.00 concessions. This event is followed by a book signing.