E.T The Extra Terrestrial - painting

E.T + Haunted Tour and Jammin' Disco

Sci Fi: Days of Fear and Wonder


Please note: This event took place in Oct 2014

At Curzon Clevedon

Just before Halloween gets underway head on over to Curzon Clevedon for a spooky tour of the haunted 100 year old cinema! Grab your candle and tip-toe past the 'Keep Out' signs, play with shadow puppets and explore the hidden corners of the cinema. Make sure you bring some fancy dress for the screening of E.T: The Extra Terrestrial, and join us afterwards to boogie on down to a Halloween disco. Snacks, drinks and a bar available. Prizes will be available, of course, for the best fancy dress and monster mashing.

Tickets will go on sale soon - visit the Curzon Clevedon website for more information.

Part of Sci Fi: Days of Fear and Wonder, part of the BFI's huge celebration of science fiction, the world's most popular film genre, in Bristol and Beyond. Check watershed.co.uk/scifi for all the latest out of this world events.

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