Found in: Lunchtime Talk
Making room for The Rooms

Making room for The Rooms: No Lunchtime Talk

Lunchtime Talks


Please note: This event took place in Nov 2015

Many of the staff, residents and friends of the Studio will be temporarily recamping to the centre of Bristol for The Rooms festival, so we are calling a temporary halt to this week's lunchtime talk and Open Studio Friday session.

Normal service will resume next week with Jack Edwards' fantastic talk on making movies with your mobile.

Visit to plan your own trip to The Rooms, a playground for new ideas featuring battling robots and fabulous beasts, an interactive light garden, haunted study and enchanted library. Get lost in a bio-activated maze, dance with Elvis and reimagine our digital future.

Please note: The Rooms is taking place in the old Firestation, Magistrates Courts and Police Station in Bristol City Centre, not at Watershed

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