BATTLE MOUNTAIN : Graeme Obree’s Story

Battle Mountain: Graeme Obree’s Story + Q&A

classified 12A

Please note: This was screened in April 2016

David Street
Graeme Obree, Jamie Obree, Sir Chris Hoy, Charlie "Chick" Milarvie, Euan Obree
99 mins, 2015, UK

David Street’s charming and inspirational documentary follows veteran Scottish cyclist Graeme Obree‘s quest to attempt to set a new record at the 2013 World Human Powered Speed Challenge at Battle Mountain, Nevada.

The career of cycling legend Graeme Obree is a hugely inspirational one. His endeavours both on the track, his homespun but highly effective training methods and his own innovative designs for the bikes that carried him to glory, mark him out as one of the greats of British cycling. His determination and ability to succeed against seemingly insurmountable odds has twice seen him hold cycling’s prestigious World Hour record (in 1993 and 1994), as well as being named the World 4000m Pursuit Champion (in 1993 and 1995).

A natural-born engineer with a flair for hands-on problem-solving, his famous bike designs like 'Old Faithful' means he stands amongst an astonishing lineage of Scots inventors like James Watt (steam engine) and Alexander Graham Bell (telephone). Skip forward a couple of decades on from these halcyon days, Obree (now in his late 40s) set his restless, ingenious mind to constructing a new conveyance. One that seeks to break new cycling records at the iconic Battle Mountain roads of Nevada at the World Human-Powered Speed Challenge. After laborious trial-and-error experimentations to build a machine capable of carrying him the requisite speeds (incorporating a saucepan and roller blades!) as well as his ongoing battles with mental health following his diagnosis of bi-polar disorder, will his latest record attempt succeed?

This is an arduous tale about the search for stability — both physical and mental — where it’s fair to say there are quite a few wobbles (literally!) along the way. A compelling celebration of an unorthodox, complex and troubled character whose obsessional drive takes him — for good and ill — to places that ‘satisfied, contented people' could only dream of reaching. Illuminating and inspirational, this is a fascinating glimpse into the thought-processes of one of cycling’s true mavericks.

Followed by a Q&A with Graeme Obree and director David Street.

Presented in partnership with Cyclescreen, Bristol Bike Film Festival.

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