Alive and Kicking

Swing Dance Bristol Presents: Alive & Kicking


Please note: This event took place in June 2017

“It don't mean a thing if it aint got that swing” Duke Ellington

Swing dancing has exploded over the last few years, both world-wide and right here in Bristol. This joyous film shows what makes this community so special, and is a vibrant feel-good celebration of being alive. We meet some of the characters who launched the original swing dance era, and those who are driving the scene forward today. Directed by Oscar® winner Susan Glatzer, this feature length documentary will leave you wanting to put away your phone and dance!

After the film join Swing Dance Bristol in the bar to learn moves from the film, and watch some of the local experts. The programme will start with a short film about the early years of the Bristol swing dance scene, by Greek director Danae Mikelli.

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