Found in: Lunchtime Talk
Introducing our New Artists in Residence

Introducing our new Artists in Residence

Lunchtime Talks


Please note: This event took place in Dec 2017

Lunchtime Talks are a series of informal presentations at Watershed's Pervasive Media Studio. They normally take place at 13:00 on a Friday, are free and are open to everybody who is interested in what they do. Come along, bring a sandwich, and get to know more about the Studio community, current and up-coming projects, or residents' work.

In this Lunchtime Talk, join us as we welcome and hear first hand from our two new Studio Artists in Residence, the wonderful Bristol-based, Action Hero and the cacophony of sound that is Manchester-based, Noise Orchestra.

Gemma Paintin and James Stenhouse, known collectively as Action Hero will be talking about their project, Oh Europa, which involves them moving out of their Bristol home, into a motorhome and travelling across Europe in search of love songs. With an ambitious plan to collect a love song from every country, just how will they do it?

David Birchall and Vicky Clarke of Noise Orchestra, make DIY electronic instruments that translate light into noise. Together they are creating SWARM as part of their residency; a guided sound walk that will create a city symphony like no other. And they've even promised to let the audience have a play after the talk.

More information on both residencies can be found here:

The Pervasive Media Studio is located within the Watershed building. Let us know if you'd like a tour and we'll be happy to show you around. Send an email to

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