Even When I Fall + Directors Q&A

Even When I Fall + Directors Q&A

classified 12A S

Please note: This was screened in March 2018

Kate McLarnon & Sky Neal
80 mins, Subtitled, 2017, UK

A heart-warming and life-affirming story of the triumph of the human spirit, this intimate and beautiful documentary follows the stories of two young Nepalese women, trafficking survivors who create their country's first circus.

Sheetal and Saraswoti were trafficked as children to perform in unscrupulous Indian circuses. Now freed, together they return to Nepal, where they confront the families that sold them, seek acceptance within their own country and begin to build a future utilising the secret weapon ironically gifted to them by their former captors - their breathtaking skills as circus artists.

Filmed over six years, Even When I Fall transforms individual experiences into a documentary touching on universal themes - the importance of education and the ongoing need for female empowerment.

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