Marlina, the Murderer in Four Acts

Marlina, the Murderer in Four Acts

classified 15 S

Please note: This was screened in April 2018

Mouly Surya
Egy Fedly, Dea Panendra, Yoga Pratama
93 mins, Subtitled, 2018,  Indonesia | France | Malaysia | Thailand

Mouly Surya directs this spaghetti western with an Indonesian, feminist flavour - complete with machetes and rolling heads...

On the island of Sumba, Eastern Indonesia, young widow Marlina is threatened in her home by a group of men. They start loading up her cattle and plan to rape her - after she's made them dinner. But Marlina has other ideas - she laces her soup with some "special seasoning" and turns the tables on her would-be attackers, starting a journey for justice that will see her haunted by her headless victim...

A powerful, stylish revenge drama with a terrific score that Ennio Morricone would be proud of (featuring soulful Sumba folksongs and Indonesian strings), this film went down such a treat with audiences in Cannes they "literally rocked the house with cheering and clapping" rooting for our heroine. Marlina is mad as hell and she's not going to take it anymore - and what a joy it is to behold!

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