The House That Jack Built + Recorded Q&A with Lars von Trier

classified 18 PS

Please note: This was screened in Dec 2018

Lars von Trier
Matt Dillon, Bruno Ganz, Uma Thurman
153 mins, Partially Subtitled, 2018, Denmark | France | Germany | Sweden
Primary language

The enfant terrible of arthouse cinema Lars von Trier (Nymphomaniac, Antichrist) returns with his most provocative work to date in this nasty, confrontational and highly divisive serial killer thriller starring Matt Dillon.

Jack (Matt Dillon) is a failed architect turned highly intelligent, self-aware serial killer, systematically indulging his grotesque behaviour, over and over again. Putting his addiction to murder over all else, his relationship with the outside world begins to fall apart. Leading us through his thought processes behind his increasingly more depraved acts of murder (which he names “incidents”), he retells his crimes to Verge (Bruno Ganz) as if they were all individual works of art in themselves, inviting us to question the nature of artistry, where its limits lie and when has it all gone too far?

With pitch black humour and undeniable cinematic vision, von Trier delights in taking us to uncomfortable extremes with his latest twisted offering. Both lauded and reviled (there were mass walkouts at Cannes) it’s a film that intentionally sets out to provoke and outrage. This is your chance to make up your own mind, but if being provoked or outraged is not for you, the best advice we can give you is to go and see something else. Because you definitely will be... Don't say we didn't warn you!

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