Found in: Lunchtime Talk
Personalised Immersive Theatre - what, how, why (& why not...)

Personalised Immersive Theatre - what, how, why (& why not...)

Lunchtime Talks


Please note: This event took place in Sept 2019

We are delighted to open our new Lunchtime Talk season with a talk from South West Creative Technology Immersion Fellow, Åste Amundsen. Aste will be discussing the exciting work she completed whilst on the Fellowship.

Åste Amundsen will be talking about her work on developing narrative tools for live immersive experiences, research into profiling-for-personalisation, audience responsive storytelling for real-time physical spaces and discussing her initial research question - What represents meaningful parameters for personalisation of live immersive audience experiences? Currently the most prevalent frameworks of profiling are shaped to attain sales. What would a profiling system for transformational live audience experiences look like?

Åste designs and creates immersive experiences. She utilises gaming-elements and audience responsive narratives to mobilise audience participation. Her projects include Sonic Sideshow and Apocalypse Gameshow. She co-founded Glastonbury’s Underground Piano Bar and founded Computer Aided Theatre Ltd developing a set of commercially available immersive narrative tools for live event producers.

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