Revolt, She Said

Revolt, She Said


Please note : this season finished in Aug 2018

Women and Film after '68

One hundred years after the first women got the vote in the UK, 50 years after the protests of May ’68 triggered resistance across the world, we ask where is the feminist revolution now?

ICO (Independent Cinema Office) x Club des Femmes curate this season of films focused on women filmmakers post ’68, who took up cameras as they took to the streets: to instigate further revolutions in ways of seeing, being, living and loving.

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Previous screenings in this season

The Cat Has Nine Lives

classified 15 Revolt, She Said
The Cat Has Nine Lives
Please note: This was screened in Aug 2018

As if by magic, the first post-war German feminist film re-appears after 50 years, lovingly restored by the Deutsche Kinemathek and still as relevant as on its first screening.


classified 15 Revolt, She Said
Please note: This was screened in Aug 2018

Boredom, bikinis and a blistering critique of the beauty myth, this genuine feminist classic is as thrilling now as it was 50 years ago.

Riddles of the Sphinx

classified U Revolt, She Said
Riddles of the Sphinx
Please note: This was screened in Aug 2018

A brilliant British experimental film that remains one of the most revolutionary representations of how women think, feel act and desire ever to hit the screen.

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