Will Heaven Fall Upon Us? A Béla Tarr Retrospective
Still from The Turin Horse, part of Will Heaven Fall Upon Us? A Béla Tarr Retrospective.

Will Heaven Fall Upon Us? A Béla Tarr Retrospective


Please note : this season finished in Aug 2024

Retrospective celebrating the great Hungarian filmmaker, Béla Tarr - described as “hopeful cynic” and “scatological mystic”, a filmmaker making dystopian fables on the fall of Communism.

But Tarr's political critiques of a terminally corrupt regime refuse to be pinned down to a specific historical moment and, to the modern viewer, take on a metaphysical quality – a comment on the inevitable uncertainty of all systems, biological, psychological, and social.

With the dream of Liberal democracy faltering, we are offered new utopian visions from the ideologues of Silicon Valley. New sublime objects, the modern equivalent of Werckmeister Harmonies’ miraculous whale, litter the contemporary landscape, whilst the reality of climate change produces ever more weather events akin to Tarr’s unremitting rain, wind and mud.

As Werckmeister Harmonies’ lead character Janos threatens when describing a total eclipse to a group of stupefied drunks, “Will heaven fall upon us?” Or is there hope?

Asked of one of his films at a film festival, "Where is the hope?" Tarr dryly retorted, "The hope is that you see this movie."

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