BÖIKZMÖIND: Gavin Strange Directors Q&A

A fixed gear bicycle - also known as a ‘fixie’ - is a single-speed bicycle with no freewheel. This means the bike cannot coast, as the pedals are always moving when the bicycle is in motion. When the rear wheel of the bike turns, the pedals turn in the same direction, so this allows riders to stop without brakes by resisting the rotation of the cranks. This also means they can ride in reverse.

Bristol is home to a growing community of fixed gear riders, many of whom participate in the variety of events, including races, competitions, film nights, polo matches, and hill climbs. The city is considered a challenging place to ride fixed gear bikes due to its notoriously hilly terrain.

BÖIKZMÖIND is a documentary film examining the popularity of fixed gear cycling in Bristol, drawing on interviews with members of Bristol’s fixed gear community, the film looks at why people choose to ride bikes with no gears in a city full of hills.

In this film, BÖIKZMÖIND director Gavin Strange speaks to Cyclescreen programmer Tommy Curtis about the film, and discusses his passion for fixed gear bikes, and the growing fixed gear community in Bristol.

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Posted on Mon 9 April 2012.

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