Col Needham

1990 was the year that the Internet was officially born, and that same year Col Needham, a Software Research Engineer from Hewlett-Packard and film enthusiast, decided to put his personal database of film facts on the net. IMDb is a comprehensive online database of information relating to film, TV, actors, production crew personnel, video games, and visual entertainment media. The site today has over a hundred million users, and millions of films and facts about professionals in the industry. 

In this video, Col discusses his love of film, his inspiration for starting the website, and the development of the site from its inception to the current day. Col also answered audience questions and offered advice to budding website developers.  

Col Needham is the founder and CEO of IMDb (Internet Movie Database) and has served as General Manager since its acquisition by in 1998. In the same year, Col collected two Webby Awards for the site. He previously worked as a Software Research Engineer at Hewlett-Packard.

Joining Col is Mike Zeidler, a member of the Bristol Festival of Ideas Advisory Board. Mike runs Motodo LTD., a consultancy that specialises in assisting clients to balance social, environmental, and economic concerns in their business. In 2006, Mike founded The Hub Bristol.

This event was part of the Bristol Genius series, which examines the breakthrough ideas of today, that will influence the way we think, work, eat, and play.

Related Links:
Bristol Festival of Ideas

Posted on Sat 28 May 2011.

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