Culture, creativity and regeneration in Bristol

Culture, creativity and regeneration in Bristol, a lively seminar on past experience and how this can inform future development was hosted by Watershed on Thursday 3rd October 2013.

The seminar launched a new report by Peter Boyden, ‘Culture, creativity and regeneration in Bristol : Three Stories’.

The seminar began with a screening of new short film above, Scratching the Surface by Nathan Hughes. This film set the scene with a focus on the history and opportunity of the Bristol Temple Quarter Enterprise Zone

Following the screening Peter Boyden
introduced his new report and then Andrew Kelly chaired a panel discussion with Q&A on the lessons for the future. The panel was Mayor George Ferguson, Elizabeth Dunn (partner Burges Salmon), Julie Finch (Head of Museums & Archives), Nathan Hughes and Peter Boyden.

A summary of Peter Boyden's
presentation and the lively discussion edited by Lycia Harper of Glow Consulting is available here.

Here are some quotes from the event:

“Let’s have some impatience and ambition. Bristol is the most interesting cultural place outside London because people come out of the woodwork and do interesting things.”

“Bristol has been described as a laboratory for change. It’s generated a lot of interest; companies want to come here to try stuff out. The laboratory for change is a way of inviting people to try new ideas in Bristol and be inventive, to see what can be done, to push the boundaries.”

Nathan Hughes is a director and filmmaker with a broad, multi-platform experience as a creative producer of audio-visual performance, generative software and spectacular son et lumiere events.

Related Links:
Nathan Hughes
Bristol Temple Quarter
Animating The Zone




Posted on Tue 1 Oct 2013.

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