Decalogue 2009: 3D

The continuing success of 3D has stimulated a lot of debate, and the dialogue surrounding speculations about its future rages on. With an increasing number of feature films planned for 3D, the first ever 3D TV sets on sale, and even a number of games consoles now subscribing to the technology, is 3D here to stay, or is it just another fad? This wide-ranging talk examines these questions, and reflects on the death of celluloid, the rise of digital, and the economics of cinema.

Michael Gubbins and Terry Flaxton joined Mark Cosgrove, Watershed’s Head of Programme in this final instalment of the Decalogue series, which was a year-long season of events that reflected on key moments in cinema from the first decade of the 21st century.

Michael Gubbins specialises in film and digital media and is an editor, journalist and consultant. Having formerly edited leading international film trade titles such as Screen International and, he has also contributed to The Times, Time Out and The Guardian. Micheal is regularly featured as an expert on global broadcast media, including BBC, ABC, CNN, ITN, Sky and NBC, and has appeared as speaker or chair at over 60 events, including Berlin, Cannes, Rotterdam, Edinburgh, Paris, Brussels, Warsaw and Athens.

Terry Flaxton is a cinematographer, educator, and artist, who has worked in the film industry since 1976. He has worked on a number of films, including the critically acclaimed ‘Glastonbury’ directed by Julien Temple. Terry’s artwork has been shown around the world in a variety of prestigious venues. He is currently Senior Research Fellow at the University of Bristol, and his work has received several writing and production awards.


Posted on Sun 3 April 2011.

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