Phill, Bagpuss and Friends

In this special Encounters Short Film Festival event, über-fan Phill Jupitus chooses his favourite moments from the Smallfilms partnership of Oliver Postgate and Peter Firmin's extraordinary canon of classic stop-motion animation and discusses the enduring charm of Bagpuss, The Clangers, Noggin the Nog, The Poggles and Ivor the Engine.  See clips from a fascinating BBC documentary examining how the films were made with excerpts from Peter Firmin and Oliver Postgate as well as a montage of clips from the magical Smallfilms archive.

Phill was joined onstage by award-winning stop-motion animator Barry Purves and Smallfilms' archivist and publisher Loaf, together they reveal the delights of Postgate's extraordinary storytelling and Firmin's incredible puppets and artwork. The panel explores how the films were created and asks the audience to vote for their favourite clip.

As you relive these childhood memories you can’t help but smile at the charming and delightful creations of this prolific duo.

Related links:
Encounters Bristol International Film Festival


Posted on Sun 27 July 2008.

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