Skeletons Q & A

Winner of Best New British Film at the Edinburgh Film Festival, Skeletons is a wonderfully surreal black comedy about Davis and Bennett, a pair of mismatched travelling ‘salesmen’ who make a living out of cleaning skeletons from closets. They travel across Britain, performing the ‘Procedure’ whereby hidden secrets and lies are exposed. Assigned to a job by their boss, the pair find themselves up against their biggest challenge – you can’t always get away from your own skeletons.

In this funny and fascinating post-screening Q & A Director, Nick Whitfield, and lead actors Ed Gaughan and Tuppence Middleton discuss the genesis of the film's idea and its theatrical approach, how the film's constructed world enabled a spirit of play and plans for the films future.

Presented as part of New British Cinema Quarterly: a touring programme showcasing British filmmakers with distinctive and original films selected from the UK’s major film festivals.

The discussion is lead by filmmaker and writer Mark Kidel.

We apologise for the poor sound quality of some of the questions from the audience in this recording.

Posted on Thu 19 Aug 2010.

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