The Sound Of Cinema Q&A

Following a screening of three-part BBC Four series The Sound of Cinema: The Music that Made the Movies, presenter Neil Brand talks about how he came to be involved in The Sound of Cinema, interviewing composers and filmmakers such as Vangellis, Hans Zimmer and Martin Scorsese, and receiving a personal performance of Feed the Birds by Mary Poppins composer Richard Sherman.

Neil shares his views and answers questions on electronic music, the language of music, elitism, and creative control. He reveals some secrets behind how music and sound are used to create dramatic tension in film and television and lets slip a few anecdotes from the making of the documentary.

Neil Brand is a film score composer, film accompanist, writer and presenter, who has been accompanying silent films for over 25 years. He has worked with the National Film Theatre, throughout the UK, and at a number of film festivals and special events throughout the world.

This Q&A was presented as part of Filmic, Watershed and St George's annual celebration of the creative connections between film and music.

Related Links:
Herrmann: Knowing the Score – Neil Brand's illustrated guide to the phenomenal music of Bernard Herrman, one of cinema’s greatest artists.

Posted on Sun 6 April 2014.

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