Studio Resident Shrouk El Attar sits at a wooden desk over a a small robotic model on two wheels, a tangle of wires on show.

Shrouk El-Attar building a Belly Dancing Robot. Image by Manoel Bolutife Akure 2022.

Winter Residencies Programme 2023 Open Call

Closing Date: Mon 31 October, 10:00 GMT 2022

Apply now for our Winter Residencies programme. This opportunity is open to creative practitioners of any discipline, career stage and background, who reside (or are planning to reside) in the UK, who have ideas for artistic projects that respond to our theme of Making the World Differently

We have two residencies available. Each comes with a structured programme, a network of peers, plus financial, technical and critical support. The programme will take place in Winter 2023 and we’re flexible about how you structure your time. This is a remarkable opportunity to have time, space and freedom to get an idea off the ground.

You can apply as individuals or groups. We welcome applications from people of all backgrounds, including communities of colour, LGBTQI, Deaf and disabled people, because they are under-represented in our programme. 

This year we’re trying a different selection process. We’re asking you to submit a very simple Expression of Interest form, to confirm your eligibility for the residency. Hopefully this will only take a few minutes to fill out. From these expressions of interest, we’re going to draw twelve names at random. These randomly selected applicants will make up the shortlist for the residency. Each of the randomly selected applicants will then be invited to attend an application surgery, submit a longer proposal and attend interview. Our panel will then select and award the two residency places.

You can read more about why we are trying this different selection process here.


Closing Date: Mon 31 October, 10:00 GMT 2022

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