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Culture 24: Let's Get Real - How to evaluate success online?

Posted on Tue 6 Sept 2011

How can arts organisations really gauge their success online? Does counting the visitors to our websites really tell us anything? Do we need all the social media channels we start? Is there evidence of real engagement happening online? Do we really know what we are trying to achieve and who it is for?

How can arts organisations really gauge their success online? Does counting the visitors to our websites really tell us anything? Do we need all the social media channels we start? Is there evidence of real engagement happening online? Do we really know what we are trying to achieve and who it is for?

These are difficult questions that everyone developing online services needs to ask themselves. It has almost become a cliché to say that online technologies have touched our lives, changed our behaviour and altered our expectations. The cultural sector is not immune to these changes, but how do we know if we are actually doing well?

Come and join Culture24 for some honesty, plain-speaking and troubleshooting. You can listen to great presentations, find out about our latest action research and most importantly join in the workshops, Crit Room, helpdesks and breakout sessions. You will leave with a better understanding of not just what success online might look like, but what it can mean for your organisation.

Conference highlights include:

  • Keynote from Tom Uglow, Creative Lead at the Google Creative Lab.
  • Session with Matt Locke (Storythings.com), plus lessons on “failing forwards” from some of the Action Research partners
  • Practical workshop strands looking at both strategy and tactics
  • Crit Room: submit your site’s problems for some friendly group therapy and constructive analysis
  • Evening social event sponsored by Google with local food, ales and wine, and an exhibition of digital interactive work from Watershed’s Pervasive Media Studio, including Stand and Stare's interactive Theatre Jukebox

To book your ticket visit http://letsgetrealconference.eventbrite.com/

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