The dS dome

First danceroom Spectroscopy Festival announced

Posted on Mon 7 Oct 2013

This October sees the first danceroom Spectroscopy Festival, a remarkable new way to visualise the invisible nanoscale atomic world that makes up everything around us, including our own bodies.

This October sees the first danceroom Spectroscopy Festival, a remarkable new way to visualise the invisible nanoscale atomic world that makes up everything around us, including our own bodies.

Developed by Pervasive Media Studio resident and recently appointed Royal Society Research Fellow at Bristol University, Dr David Glowacki, danceroom Spectroscopy is an installation that combines molecular physics, cutting edge technology, ambient sounds and performance dance to build a stunning 21-metre 360° visual projection housed at Brunel’s Old Station in Bristol that will shift and change as visitors play with their own movements and energy forces.

danceroom Spectroscopy will be on show in Bristol for three days only, before leaving the UK for an international tour. The show includes an award winning dance performance entitled ‘Hidden Fields’ on Fri 25 and Sat 26 October, performed by a group of dancers whose beautifully choreographed movement creates unique interactive visualisations. The daytime programme will feature several talks from David Glowacki explaining the meaning and the science behind danceroom Spectroscopy, with a rare chance to ask the Royal Society Research Fellow questions.

David Glowacki has been developing a way to visualise and interact with our own energies and molecules since becoming a Pervasive Media Studio resident in 2010. He says,

“It’s always been a challenge for scientists to visualise the invisible world of nano-molecules. We are used to seeing ball and stick representations, but by working with a talented team comprised of musicians, computer scientists, choreographers, dancers and artists, we have been able to do something completely new and different - an interactive and inspiring way to catch a glimpse of the dynamic atomic world in which we’re embedded, and imagine how our own energy fields link to the atomic world that surrounds us all the time, but is too small for our eyes to see. It’s incredible to experience, and will hopefully make us see ourselves in a completely different way.”

Watershed Director Dick Penny, adds,

“danceroom Spectroscopy is a compelling fusion of art and science - it's a completely new interactive audio visual arts experience, and it's a completely new way of revealing nano science - but what really excites me is that it is pushing the boundaries of both the science and the art leading to new discoveries. It exemplifies the depth of inter-discipline creative meets technology innovation active in Bristol today”

Clare Reddington, Director of the Pervasive Media Studio says,

“Here at the Pervasive Media Studio we support and develop brilliantly talented people, encourage unusual collaborations and celebrate new approaches to creative technology. It's been a joy to work with David over the last three years and to help bring his exciting ideas to fruition. Its rare to find a world-class collaborative research projects that create significant value in both scientific and artistic terms - it gives me real pleasure to see dS launching in Bristol and I can't wait to see what he does next."

David Alder, Director of Marketing & Communications, University of Bristol says,

"I was hugely excited the first time David talked me through his vision for danceroom Spectroscopy. It was clear that this would be a new and exciting way for the University to bring hard science to life for a wide range of audiences. The potential applications for this are simply mind blowing and I am very pleased that we are launching the international tour in its home city."

On Thu 24 and Fri 25 Oct, the exhibit will be open for free to schools and university students to enable children and young people to access scientific ideas through the power of art, movement, dance and sound.

Claire Greenwood, Watershed Liaison Officer at Fairfield School says,

“We first met David three months ago, and were spellbound by the possibility that danceroom Spectroscopy could offer in helping us engage young people in science. We have been working with David to develop his genius mechanism for creating an immersive and interactive way to understand atoms and molecules, and how his ideas can be adapted specifically for Year 9 science pupils. It’s not always easy to engage children with physics, but danceroom Spectroscopy makes it a joy, and all our pupils are incredibly excited to be visiting the exhibit.”

danceroom Spectroscopy and Hidden Fields are supported by the University of Bristol, University of West of England, the Royal Society of Chemistry, Arts Council England, Bristol City Council, Watershed (Bristol), the Pervasive Media Studio (Bristol), NVIDIA, and EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council).

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