A graphic image of a face, upside-down on the screen and edited with colourful blocks of colour. The background is a rich yellow.

Image by Jasmine Thompson

The Residents Podcast Series is Back!

Posted on Fri 23 Sept 2022

The Residents Podcast, a series of conversations exploring technology, arts, the economy and health through the lens of community and creativity is back, kicking off with a live episode on 27 Oct.

We’re excited to announce the return of the The Residents, the podcast series produced by Studio resident  Prince Taylor (FKA Will)  and supported by the Pervasive Media Studio.

And that's not all - Series 2 will kick off with a live episode filmed in the studio itself on 27 Oct, and we're inviting you to come along! Book your ticket now to reserve a seat.

This series sees Prince sitting down with more of the Pervasive Media Studio community and digging a little deeper into what the Pervasive Media Studio does and how it does it. Over six episodes, the series will hear from guests who have very different relationships with the Pervasive Media Studio, discuss what the community means to them and examine how they go about creating incredible experiences for their audiences.

Prince says:

I had this moment of seeing how deep in transition everything is, people adjusting to the end of Pandemic; the Studio redefining its practice and service; me and my name. It's been a beautiful process of assurance in the midst of heaps of uncertainty. This series is really playful whilst being kind of accidentally introspective!

If you didn't catch the first series - or simply wanted to listen again (it's brilliant!) you can do so here

"Season 1 of The Residents was a big deal for us, a first foray into supporting a podcast like this. It was a really amazing way for the community to process some of what happened during two years of COVID. Season 2 takes us deeper into the world of the Studio Community and its myriad of Residents. It makes us look forward reflectively. I'm so excited for people to hear it." Luke Emery, Studio Producer

In the meantime, watch this space for Series Two of The Residents, available on: 


Thanks to Jo Kimber for their support in developing and writing the podcast. 

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